UGRAD 2023 — All You Need to Know about the Prestigious Global Program


UGRAD 2023 Webinar by the Robotics & Automation Club — Dated: 2nd September, 2022

A student exchange program enables students to travel overseas where they resume their education at one of their institution’s partner institutes. Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (UGRAD) Pakistan is a student exchange program which confers an opportunity to undergrads of Pakistan to pursue a semester in the host country, that is United States.

Global UGRAD was initiated by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of United States Department of State in the year 2010. The first batch of the 2010–11 recruited about 100 students from Pakistan who proceeded to continue their education in United States for one semester. Since then, this program has prevailed to modify the lives of many of its applicants by extending a golden opportunity for them to expand their horizons.

Beside cross-cultural understanding and global exposure, UGRAD substantiates valuable for numerous reasons. Firstly, transferring and settling into a foreign land all on your own gives an unrestrained awareness of the tribulations of life. Secondly, not only do you get to interact with multi-cultural citizens, but you also find yourself becoming progressively tolerable towards their ideology and beliefs. These exchange students become more self-confident and create a wide global network by developing extensive international connections. Moreover, this program formulates its candidates to become increasingly versatile, liberal, and employable. UGRAD is a perfect exchange program for students wanting to step out of their comfort zone to experience a fine adventure.

Hence, Robotics and Automation club is conducting a webinar for every eager individual who look forward to applying for Global UGRAD exchange program and seek this chance to study one semester in a foreign land. Ali Mehdi and Hasan Ashraf, from Degree 41 of the Department of Mechatronics, both of whom have had the feasibility of applying and securing a place in the grantees of this program will be our valued speakers for the webinar. They will guide all the keen candidates on the application process, eligibility criteria, pros, and cons. Moreover, they will also be responding to all your queries with the hope to eliminate all kinds of confusions.

Important details for the Global UGRAD Program (2023) are as follows:

Host country: United States

Administered by: United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan

Sponsored by: International Research and Exchange Board

Education type: Undergraduate

Program type: Non-degree

Duration: One semester

Application Status: Open

Deadline: September 21, 2022

Age limit: 25

Selected undergrads start studies: Fall next year

Eligibility criteria:

  • Pakistani citizens
  • Enrolled in a university
  • Committed to come back to Pakistan after the completion of the program
  • Currently in 14th or 15th academic year of their education


  • Dual U.S./Pakistani nationals
  • U.S. permanent residents
  • Applicants with parent or spouse who has U.S. citizenship, permanent U.S. residence or a pending U.S. immigration
  • Fullbright organization, the U.S. Department of State, or USAID employees and their spouses, children, fiancés, siblings, dependents, and parents
  • First or final year university students


  • Round-trip airfare
  • Cost of tuition
  • Book allowance
  • Living expenses
  • Monthly maintenance allowance
  • Health insurance

Application process:

Application form is available on the website where it is to be filled and submitted online. The required documents which include photocopies of recent and old transcripts along with a clarification of the grading process of the university are also to be attached and submitted online with the application form. There should not be any sort of plagiarism or misinterpretation in the application otherwise would lead to disqualification of the applicant.

For further details and application:

UGRAD 2023 Webinar by Robotics & Automation Club
This article was written by Izna Awais — Social Media Assistant and Writer at RAC’23.

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Robotics & Automation Club - CEME, NUST
Robotics & Automation Club - CEME, NUST

Written by Robotics & Automation Club - CEME, NUST

We aim to become the best platform for engineering knowledge and hands on training in Pakistan — Entrepreneurs of CEME, NUST

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